Paper Tiger Catamaran
Australian Championship
29th December – 3rd January
Lauderdale Yacht Club, Tasmania

Event Information
The Tasmanian Paper Tiger Catamaran Association and with Lauderdale Yacht Club are proud hosts of the 2024 Paper Tiger National Championships. The official venue for the Regatta will be the Lauderdale Yacht Club (“LYC”) located at 5 Kirra Road, Roches Beach, Tasmania www.lauderdaleyachtclub.com. The Regatta will be hosted by LYC in conjunction with the Australian Paper Tiger Catamaran Association (“APTCA”) Inc.
Key dates: 29th December – 3rd January 2024
29th Dec
Measurement, Registration, and invitation race
30th Dec
Racing as per instructions
31st Dec
Racing as per instructions
1st Jan
Lay day
2nd Jan
Racing as per instructions
3rd Jan
Racing as per instructions and presentation evening
NOTE: 9 race series with provision for up to 3 races per day.
Entry fee: Fee like existing and TBC. Early bird option closes mid-November.
Organising committee: Incumbent Association and club representatives
Sailing Area: Off the beach - Frederick Henry Bay, 20 minutes southeast of Hobart. Shore break typically ankle high. White sand and amazing clear water with true breeze typical.
Contact: Sean Keady - Ph 0410487762

Accommodation options:
Lauderdale Yacht club is located approximately 20 minutes from Hobart. Lauderdale is located on the outskirts of Hobart, capital of Tasmania, Australia. The population of Lauderdale is approximately 2,388 with a small supermarket, café and takeaways within a few kilometres of the club.
Girl Guides Tasmania, Orana Guide Camp,
3-minute walk up beach or 3 min drive via road. Flat 2-minute bike ride
146 Roches Beach Rd, Roches Beach TAS 7170
Camping for RV/Caravans
Dormitory like facilities.
NOTE: will require early confirmation to secure site.
Camping 12 per person per night.
Campers wanting access to the Barn share cost of $55 per day.
Barn access includes basic kitchen facilities seating for up to 35 people and access to 2 male and 2 female toilets onsite.
Barilla Holiday Park
Cambridge TAS · 1800 465 453
BIG4 Hobart Airport Tourist Park
Cambridge TAS · 1800 441 184
Discovery Parks - Mornington Hobart
Mornington TAS · (03) 6244 7070
Airbnb and Stayz offer several options in near the LYC
Website airbnb
Website Stayz
Getting to Tasmania
You’ll be towing a boat, so you’ll need to know that The Spirit of Tasmania Ferry services now depart from Geelong for Devonport return (NOT from Melbourne City). It offers both day trip and overnight services. The evening service with cabin is a much better experience than the day trip and recliner seating. Book your voyage at your early to guarantee availability of service at the date and time you desire.
See Spirit of Tasmania for more information. https://www.spiritoftasmania.com.au
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Sean or any of the Tasmanian sailors if you want to know anything about the event or location. We are keen to share our amazing club and its distinctive locations and surrounds with you. There is plenty for non-sailors to enjoy with a perfect blend of natural and cultural wonders for all ages and interests. Please come and join us in 2024 for the 53rd Australian National Championship.